
Herbal Therapy

Herbal medicine recognises the uniqueness of the individual and the importance of holistically tailoring a treatment to meet your specific needs. Herbs can be used preventatively to address problems but specific herbs can also strengthen, tone and support organs such as the heart and liver or body systems such as the immune, nervous or digestive systems

Using natural herbal tinctures and extracts, to make herbal mixes, I also create bespoke ointments, creams and teas


Iridology is my passion. It is a diagnostic tool in which the patterns, colours and other characteristics of the iris can be examined to determine information about your own unique constitution. It can help me to understand the deep causes of systemic problems that may be affecting you now or may be lurking under the surface.

I have extensive experience in this alternative method of diagnosis and use it along with biomedical testing procedure to understand causes of your symptoms.


Nutrition is the core element of your health and wellness as it can prevent and reverse disease. You may be lacking essential nutrients, have addictions or cravings or specific food choices may be triggering unwanted symptoms like digestive issues, allergies or skin issues.

Because our biology is unique, I will help develop a personalised nutrition plan to help you tap into your full health potential.

Stress Rebalancing

I will guide you through a wellness plan From Burnout to Bliss, which will help you to understand the physical, emotional, and mental issues triggering your stress.

You will be given ongoing face to face support, the latest testing processes, herbs, supplements, nutritional advice and a whole lot of weekly information, tasks and guidelines offering strategies for coping.